Hot Pink Rose, Orange Rose, Blossoms Hot Pink Spray Roses, Orange Spray Rose Blossoms, Green Kermit Button Poms, Galax Leaves, Orange, Hot Pink, Green Bead Leaf Spray, Corsage Pins.
Cardboard Ring From Empty Ribbon Roll, Red Freedom Roses, Dusty Miller Foliage, Black Ribbon, Black & White Ribbon, Thin Silver Bullion, Milton Adler Regency Pins, Corsage Pins, Boutonniere Pins.
Looking for the perfect prom accessory? Let Brava Vita Flower and Gifts create a custom floral headpiece to match your prom corsage! From classical elegance to playful and fun, we do it all!
Hours may vary, especially during spring and summer hours, due to scheduled events such as weddings, bridal/baby showers, graduations, parties etc. Please call the shop to ensure that it is open when you need something specific. Thank you!